Upload photos to Instagram from a PC, how to do it?

Having Instagram today is something extremely common in most of those who own a smartphone. However, Instagram works a little differently if you use it from your computer. Have you ever wondered how to upload photos to Instagram from a PC? Well, in today's article we will tell you.

Initially, the idea was to publish photos and videos with a footer. Then it was developed until it reached what it is today and also allows filming live videos, saving transmissions and videos of several hours, tagging people, sharing content, and even uploading “stories” that are temporary photos or videos, which last 24 hours.

What are the differences between Instagram Web and the App for Smartphone?

When the application came out to be used from the Internet browser, users could observe with some regret that Instagram Web lacked some of the functions that it did have from the phone. Among them were the following:

Not so long ago, the option to view stories was incorporated into the Instagram Web. More recently, this year, the option to send and receive direct messages was added. However, the other two functions mentioned are not yet available to use from the browser.

This can be through a USB cable, Bluetooth, or send it to another person or our Drive to be able to download it from our mobile device, and just then upload it to our profile in the traditional way.

So how could I go about uploading multiple photos to Instagram from my Windows 10 PC?

To begin with, it is important to clarify that whether your operating system is Windows 10, Linux, or Ubuntu, in all cases you can use the same instructions.

In some cases, you may not find some of the options listed here with the same words, but don't worry, you will be able to upload your photos to Instagram before you know it.

The truth is that it is simpler than it seems, and we do not have a single option. In any of the cases, we must have a PC that works perfectly, a good Internet connection, and an Instagram account. 

Whatever option you select, the extensions will generally appear in the upper right part of your browser and just by clicking on them, you will be able to access their functions.

If at any time you want to uninstall them you can right-click on them and select "remove from browser" or go to extensions and remove them from there.

Other external applications: Emulators or programs to upload photos to Instagram from the PC, what are they and how do they work?

The second option we have, if we want to install another external application is to download emulators for our Smart Phones, or, rather, their operating systems.

What they do is “imitate" the operation of our phones, but on our computers. Within them, we have some download options depending on the operating system of our mobile, namely:

Windows Phone operating system

·         Windows Phone Desktop Application: This is the official application launched by Windows Phone to synchronize the phone with Windows. On the Microsoft page, you can access the most updated version of this app. 

IOS operating system

·         iPadian iOS: According to the website itself, it is not just an emulator, but a simulator. You can see and feel the experience of owning an Apple device, with the corresponding limitations.

Android operating system

·         Official Android Emulator (AVD): Although it allows you to emulate the most recent versions of Android, its installation can be complicated since you must first install Android Studio, which is a tool that, although it is publicly accessible, is aimed at developers applications of this system.

·         MEmu: This emulator also has very good reviews since it allows access to the entire Android catalog, it is very fast, practical, easy to use, and free. Like the previous one, it is oriented towards video games initially, but it can be used at the will of the user.

Upload photos from PC to Instagram without installing any application

As we can see, the options are many, and Buy Instagram Followers UK and Browser. However, chances are you don't like the idea of installing applications you don't know about and maybe hearing for the first time. For this, we have a very simple solution, depending on the browser that we have installed on our computer.

Dividing the browsers: Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge

We will make a little difference in the way we carry out the instructions that follow in both Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox since while the solution will work in the same way, it will run in slightly different ways, so which may be useful to explain them separately.

The first thing we are going to do is go to the Instagram website as usual. Next, we have three options, which should work the same way.

We will also see that a drawing of a screen appears first with a cursor that when hovering over it says "select element to inspect it", followed by another that looks like a phone screen and that when placing the cursor over it says "toggle device toolbar ”.

Mozilla Firefox

Once there we will see that the shape of the screen changes, now looking as if we were accessing the application from our phone.

We can even select the phone model that we have and simulate the function of "rotating the screen" to obtain an even more accurate view of our device. Let's remember this point because it will be important for what comes later.

Then, without losing anything, we update the page, clicking on the "update" button or pressing F5, which is the same. We will immediately see all the Instagram functions incorporated as we see them from our smartphones.

We're ready to use the application with all its features! Closing the console, or pressing F12 again, we can have our app in full screen.

I managed to see Instagram on the computer just like on my phone.

Now, just like when you do it from your Smartphone, you must press the central button to upload a photo, and the button at the top left to upload a story. Immediately, it will open your computer files to select a photo from there.

But beware! Do you remember the function of simulating a screen rotation? Here is its importance: We will not be able to upload a story unless we have the screen in "portrait" mode.

If you happen to have selected the option to simulate landscape mode, the solution is as simple as reselecting the developer options and reverting them.

 Visit Our Other Article: How to Get Instagram Followers - 6 Strategies 


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